Assisting jurisdictions in planning, implementing and maintaining an efficient, effective and sustainable IIS that aligns with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and jurisdictional standards and requirements.
For more than twenty-five years, HLN has been engaged with the IIS community and provided formative, fundamental contributions to the development of this field. We have given significant thought and attention to where the immunization community is heading and appreciate that jurisdictions are well positioned in understanding the needs of their citizens and considering the myriad of options available to achieve their mission and specified requirements.
There is a shift being felt by the IIS community. It may have resulted from the IIS limitations experienced during the pandemic response or the imminent promise of modernization spurred by the CDC’s Data Modernization Initiative (DMI). Either way, jurisdictions are grappling with what happens next in the lifecycle of their IIS.
Momentum is building from efforts that leverage FHIR as the next generation HL7 standard for data exchange; integrate Privacy Protecting Record Linkage, or PPRL with an IIS to send patient level immunization data to the CDC without disclosing the patient’s identity; to modernization initiatives that utilize dashboards to visualize and analyze immunization data; and call Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to pull vaccine shipment data from the CDC’s Vaccine Tracking System (VTrckS). There is a desire within the community to develop a more innovative modularized approach to achieve better conformance with standards and progress the next generation of public health information systems.
Here’s how we can help
As jurisdictions ponder the next generation of their IIS, HLN can offer technical assistance across each phase of the project lifecycle to jurisdictions planning or executing a transition from an existing IIS platform to a new one, including pre-transition decision making and preparation. We also provide support to jurisdictions in operationalizing and optimizing their existing or new platform.
In collaboration with the Public Health Informatics Institute (PHII), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA), HLN developed and leveraged tools, techniques and materials, and helped organize these artifacts within an IIS Operations Toolkit as a starting point for jurisdictions to use and tailor to their needs.
Leveraging the myriad of tools and techniques developed for IIS support, as well as our vast expertise in providing project management oversight and business analyst support to jurisdictions, HLN will apply a standard project management lifecycle methodology and change management discipline to ensure the success of your strategic initiatives. Our software development lifecycle will maintain an Agile approach to modernize your current platform without disrupting current service levels.
This is an exciting time for public health! HLN has the understanding, knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your next generation IIS. We can assist you in developing and successfully implementing a transition to operationalize, optimize and modernize your IIS.

- IIS Blog Posts
- Project Management Framework
- Transitions Learning Community
- IIS Migration Toolkit
- IIS Operations Toolkit
- IIS Functional Model
- IIS Baseline Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)
- Change Management Toolkit
- Partner Analysis Workbook/Partner Analysis Matrix
- Communication Plan Template
- RAID Log
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