Enhancing services
KIDSNET is the integrated child health system in Rhode Island. It facilitates the collection and appropriate sharing of child health data for the provision of timely and appropriate preventive health services and follow-up across many domains, including immunization, blood lead screening, and newborn screening.
Many pediatric practices rely on questionnaires filled out by parents for their children both before and during office visits to assist with early childhood developmental screening. This data is collected by independent software and made available to clinicians and sometimes their electronic health records (EHR). KIDSNET was interested in integrating selected questionnaire data from multiple vendors into its system.
Broader data collection
As there are no interoperability standards for this type of data collection, EHRs and other systems rely on application programming interfaces (API) provided by the vendors. HLN created and deployed several interfaces between KIDSNET and external systems using the custom APIs provided by their vendors.
These interfaces utilize modern web technologies such as OAuth 2.0 and REST to consolidate M-CHAT, SWYC, ASQ, and other developmental screening results from a diverse set of data sources into a single integrated data model; allowing public health to monitor developmental screening trends and to help ensure that children with developmental delays receive intervention and services as early as possible.

- White Paper: IIS and EHR Feature Overlap
- White paper: Evolution of Public Health Information Systems: Enterprise-wide Approaches
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